The Division of Acute Care Surgery had a busy fall, presenting numerous scientific projects and invited lectures at national meetings. In September, the division was well represented at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, held in Anaheim, California. Former Dell Medical School student James Bradford, M.D., presented two of the division’s research studies, and Division Chief Carlos V.R. Brown, M.D., delivered a lecture on the management of intracranial pressure for trauma brain injury during the Annual Neurocritical Care Update.

Department of Surgery and Perioperative faculty members gather in Boston, Massachusetts.
In October, the division once again filled the scientific programming at the annual American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress, held in Boston, Massachusetts. On the research front, Dell Med anesthesiologist and surgical intensivist Marissa W. Mery, M.D., presented “The Current State of Intraoperative Resuscitation of Bleeding Trauma Patients.”
Additionally, several Dell Med general surgery residents presented the division’s work, including Jess Efird, who presented “A Model for Incorporating Social Determinants of Health in Surgical Morbidity and Mortality Conference,” and Josh Crapps, who presented “Contemporary Analysis of Pediatric Arterial Injuries Based on the National Trauma Database (2017-2020).”
Several faculty members also moderated sessions or delivered lectures, including Joesph J. DuBose, M.D., who lectured on the diagnosis and treatment of blunt aortic injuries; Brown, who spoke about priority parenting as a trauma surgeon and the management of the prehospital airway; and Pedro G. Teixeira, M.D., who delivered a talk on minimally invasive and nonoperative techniques for the management of vascular trauma. Lastly, Tatiana Cardenas, M.D., moderated a panel session on the management of volvulus throughout the gastrointestinal tract.